


さっぽろ も もうすぐ 夏(なつ)ですね。
よさこいソーラン祭(まつり)や ビアガーデン など
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もうすぐ「札幌(さっぽろ)まつり」が はじまります。
神社(じんじゃ)の お祭(まつり)です。知(し)っていますか?


A Traditional Shinto Festival in June with a Dazzling Parade and Bustling Stalls
June 14–16, 2016

The main festival of Hokkaido Shrine—also called the Sapporo Festival—has a history going back over a century. On June 16, the final day, a line of more than a thousand people in colorful Heian period costumes parades around the city, along with four mikoshi portable shrines and eight floats. The parade starts at Hokkaido Shrine in Maruyama and reaches central Sapporo in the afternoon, passing along major avenues lined with spectators. Traditional dedication ceremonies are held at the shrine, where many festival stalls are also set up. Stalls and other attractions, including a haunted house, are also featured at Nakajima Park.

みなさん も ぜひ 行(い)ってみて くださいね♫

お待(ま)ち しております〜